Lynne Dale Counselling Bromsgrove and Redditch, South Birmingham

Privacy Policy

I am registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and I outline my data handling process here so that you are aware of what happens to your data when you contact me.

1. I ask you, at initial contact for some basic personal information about you - name/address/contact details/name of GP/details of any medication you are taking. This is to enable me to have relevant contact details/medical information should I need to contact either yourself between appointments, or to take action in an emergency.

3. All personal information is held electronically in a secure system under codes and is fully password protected.

4. I keep notes about you after each session. These are brief, factual notes which may include emails where relevant, and are kept for up to six years after the end of your contact with me. At the end of that period, your notes and all personal information associated with our contact is securely deleted.

5. You may request a copy of your notes at any time. Please make such requests in writing. If there is any information about a third party in your notes (eg name of family members) this information will be removed before notes are handed to you.

6. Please help me to keep your data up-do-date and accurate. If you move, or change your phone number, let me know so that I can update your records.

7. I never share any of your personal stored information with anyone else. I do have clinical supervision where I discuss particular issues and areas of work but information revealed here is limited to first names only and my supervisor adheres to strict confidentiality .

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