Lynne Dale Counselling Bromsgrove and Redditch, South Birmingham

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What is Counselling

Most people face difficulties at some time in their lives and will have ways that they manage these times and resolve the problems without seeking further help. At times when difficulties persist, and the usual ways of managing problems no longer seem to work, Counselling or Psychotherapy can be very helpful. It offers time spent in a confidential setting with someone who is trained to listen and to consider carefully with you, the difficulties you are experiencing. It is a different type of relationship and one in which the counsellor works with you to understand some of the deeper causes of certain types of feelings and behaviour.

The way I work

I work with individuals over the age of 18 on an open ended basis or for brief therapy.
If the problem is a very focused one in nature it is possible to work to an agreed number of sessions. (brief therapy). However if difficulties are more long standing and complex we will usually agree to work for a longer period but review the work at regular intervals. Therefore clients will sometimes attend for a matter of weeks while others attend for longer. It will very much depend on what is going to be most helpful to the client and what the client chooses as the work progresses.

My approach is psychodynamic and this is an approach that will encourage reflection and consideration of the underlying causes of behaviour in order to bring about a process of change. The feelings and patterns of communication that arise in the counselling relationship can often help to identify patterns in other relationships; past and present and are also a way of understanding how difficulties may arise.

The particular difficulty or focus of issues may require elements of other counselling approaches and I will draw on these as appropriate. What is important is adopting a process of work that is going to be the most helpful.

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